Promotion Planning
Developed promotional calendar based on customer lifecycle in an effort to drive orders while preserving margins as much as possible.
Increase in Online Sales
Increase in Year-Over-Year Conversion Rates
Established national retailer of niche home accessories facing intense competition from a leader in the marketplace.
Client was facing an extremely price-sensitive market lead by a competitor with a near-identical pricing strategy. In effect, the client was in a promotions war against an industry leader with access to significantly higher marketing funds.
Gild Group developed a promotional plan and discounting strategy strategically targeting customers and promoting engagement/conversions without devaluing product relative to the competition.
Identified the ideal mix of published/visible promotional discounts and targeted discounts.
Evaluated margins and costs relative to conversion rates at various discount levels to define the ideal discounting range for the client.
Developed behaviorally-triggered promotional flows targeting high-potential customers at risk of going with the competitor.
Year-over-year conversion rates increased 67.5%. Online sales increased 35%. Maintained average order value despite taking a more aggressive approach to discounting.